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GTP binding protein 10 is a member.png
The folic acid metabolism.png
Identifying regulators of morphogenesis.
Neural Tube Closure Curious Case of Shri
Embedding, serial sectioning and stainin
The coild coil domain.png
Apical Constriction.png
Mutations in zebrafish leucine rich.png
Zebrafish Mutations.png
Zebrafish curly.png
Zebrafish Pronphros.png

Jerry R, Sullivan-Brown J, Yoder MD.  GTP binding protein 10 is a member of the OBG family of proteins and is differentially expressed in the early Xenopus embryo.  Gene Expr Patterns. 2019 Jun;32:12-17. 

Konrad KD, Campbell RA, Thiel V, Sullivan-Brown J.  The folic acid metabolism gene mel-32/Shmt is required for normal cell cycle lengths in Caenorhabditis elegans. Int J Dev Biol. 2018;62(9-10):641-645. 

Sullivan-Brown JL, Tandon P, Bird KE, Dickinson DJ, Tintori SC, Heppert JK, Meserve JH, Trogden KP, Orlowski SK, Conlon FL, Goldstein B.  Identifying Regulators of Morphogenesis Common to Vertebrate Neural Tube Closure and Caenorhabditis elegans Gastrulation. Genetics. 2016 Jan;202(1):123-39.

Sullivan-Brown J, Goldstein B. (2012) Neural tube closure: the curious case of shrinking junctions. Current Biology, Jul 24;22(14):R574-6.

Sullivan-Brown J, Bisher ME, Burdine RD. (2011) Embedding, serial sectioning and staining of zebrafish embryos using JB-4 resin. Nature Protocols, 6 (1):46-55.


Becker-Heck A, Zohn IE, Okabe N, Pollock A, Lenhart KB, Sullivan-Brown J, McSheene J, Loges NT, Olbrich H, Haeffner K, Fliegauf M, Horvath J, Reinhardt R, Nielsen KG, Marthin JK, Baktai G, Anderson KV, Geisler R, Niswander L, Omran H, Burdine RD. (2011). The coiled-coil domain containing protein CCDC40 is essential for motile cilia function and left-right axis formation. Nature Genetics, 43(1):79-84.

Sawyer JM, Harrell JR, Shemer G, Sullivan-Brown J, Roh-Johnson M, Goldstein B. (2010). Apical constriction: a cell shape change that can drive morphogenesis. Developmental Biology, 341(1):5-19.

Serluca FC, Xu B, Okabe N, Baker K, Lin SY, Sullivan-Brown J, Konieczkowski DJ, Jaffe KM, Bradner JM, Fishman MC, Burdine RD.  Mutations in zebrafish leucine-rich repeat-containing six-like affect cilia motility and result in pronephric cysts, but have variable effects on left-right patterning.  Development. 2009 May;136(10):1621-31. 

Weber S, Taylor JC, Winyard P, Baker KF, Sullivan-Brown J, Schild R, Knüppel T, Zurowska AM, Caldas-Alfonso A, Litwin M, Emre S, Ghiggeri GM, Bakkaloglu A, Mehls O, Antignac C, Network E, Schaefer F, Burdine RD.  SIX2 and BMP4 mutations associate with anomalous kidney development. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2008 May;19(5):891-903.


Sullivan-Brown J, Schottenfeld J, Okabe N, Hostetter CL, Serluca FC, Thiberge SY, Burdine RD. (2008). Zebrafish mutations affecting cilia motility share similar cystic phenotypes and suggest a mechanism of cyst formation that differs from pkd2 morphants. Developmental Biology, 314 (2): 261-75.

Schottenfeld J, Sullivan-Brown J, Burdine RD. (2007). Zebrafish curly up encodes a Pkd2 ortholog that restricts left-side-specific expression of southpaw. Development, 134(8):1605-15.

Hostetter CL, Sullivan-Brown JL, Burdine RD.  Zebrafish pronephros: a model for understanding cystic kidney disease.  Dev Dyn. 2003 Nov;228(3):514-22. 

Silberg D.G., Sullivan J., Kong E., Swain G.P., Moffett J., Sund N.J., Sackett S.D., Kaestner K.H. (2002). Cdx2 ectopic expression induces intestinal metaplasia in transgenic mice. Gastroenterology, 122 (3):689-96.


Selected speaker at the Society for Developmental Biology Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting, Princeton, NJ (2015)

Keynote Speaker at the 12th Annual Erickson Conference, Seattle, WA (2014)

Selected speaker at the Santa Cruz Developmental Biology Meeting, Santa Cruz, CA (2012)


Selected speaker at the Seventh International Conference on Neural Tube Defects, Austin, TX (2011)


Selected speaker at the Seventh Annual Developmental Biology Symposium, UNC-Chapel Hill, NC (2010)


Selected speaker at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Society for Developmental Biology, Baltimore, MD (2010)


Selected speaker at the Third NIH Conference on Holoprosencephaly, Bethesda, MD (2004)

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